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We Deliver, Always
Since our launch in 2019, we have delivered 100% of our orders. Make sure you use accurate addresses to help our courier. For Very outlying areas we are able to send to PEP/PAXI - indicate PEP in your address and we will send it to the nearest PEP to your Address
Minoxidil is FDA approved
Minoxidil is only one of two topical ingredients approved by Medical Bodies such as the FDA in the last 30 years
Make informed decisions before buying
Do you own research instead of trusting many product claims, speak to a professional like a dermatologist or a medical professional and only trust articles from independent medical websites for treating of any condition you might have
Does Caffiene shampoo help?
Unfortunately there are no credible human studies that prove that caffeine shampoo, biotin shampoo and may other shampoo’s actually help with hair loss, we would not recommend using these, instead take a TLC approach to hair care and maintenance
What are the natural options available?
Very few natural ingredients have shown to be effective as Minoxidil, but we cannot rule out natural products as pharmaceutical companies
do not have incentives to research and approve natural ingredients, the most
promising natural alternative we have found with actual human trials of late is
an ingredient called Capillia longa, that is a special plant peptide extracted
from the turmeric plant root, studies have shown that this is a natural
alternative to minoxidil
Should i use a derma roller
We recommend using a derma roller each week, twice a week if
you can. At least for the first 6 months and there after reducing your derma
rolling to a couple of time a month. Derma rolling on its own stimulates hair
growth, combined with a proven hair growth product like: Minoxidil or Capilia
longa will only increase effectiveness of your routine
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How to Use a Derma Roller with Minoxi5
Introduction Hair loss is a common concern for both men and women, impacting self-confidence and overall well-being. Many individuals resort to various treatments to combat hair loss, and two popular...
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